A message for our Community

Good morning all,

As we all settle in to what is our temporary new normal, we wanted to ensure that we continue to bring you updated information from reliable sources without overwhelming you with information that you have undoubtedly received from numerous other sources.

We have created a page on our website dedicated to information relating to COVID-19. Within this page you will find important links to official information sources. This page, although “live”, is still under construction and we will continue to make it better as well as update and organize the data at least once per day, when new information is available. 

The page contains three (3) main sections: Business Resources, Education/DCPS related information, and list of local restaurants who are, at the time of posting, still open for take-out and/or delivery. On the Business Resource page, there is a survey from the Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity, if you have not already done so, please take a moment to give your valuable feedback!

As we navigate this unprecedented time, we encourage you to continue to be vigilant in practicing social distancing, especially in cases where you would expose people are at high risk and staying within our community whenever possible. 

SHOP LOCAL – The economic impact of this crisis is just beginning. Local businesses need your support now more than ever!

For those of you who still must go to work, whether by choice or not THANK YOUTHANK YOU to the childcare centers, restaurants, convenience stores, and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU who are working on creative ways to stay open so that citizens can keep their jobs, get what we need within our community, and support each other! THANK YOU to our healthcare professionals, first responders, truck drivers, farmers and food service/grocery workers! We salute you! 

For those of you that may have chosen to or been forced to close, we support you as well! We support EACH and EVERY one of you for making the hard decisions you have faced and for making them out of concern for others! And once you are able to re-open your doors, we will be here to announce those re-openings and promote your establishment.

As a final note, BE PATIENT, BE KIND! We are all in this together, we are all affected and together we will survive! TOGETHER WE ARE BETTER!

We are #dinwiddiestrong!!!!!!

COVID-19 Information & Updates

The Dinwiddie County Chamber of Commerce is closely monitoring all updates and information available regarding the threat of COVID-19.  On Thursday, March 12, 2020, Governor Northam declared a state of emergency for our Commonwealth.  As as result, county and city governments are taking pro-active measures to help prevent the spread of this virus.  As of this post, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our community, but the threat is real, both to our citizens and to the economy. 

Below, please find information provided by the US Chamber of Commerce that can be downloaded and printed for sharing in your businesses and homes:

        Slide Show

The VA Department of Health will be at our March 25th membership meeting with updates and information.  Be on the lookout for registration information.

An important part of being pro-active is containment.  As always, we encourage you to support the businesses within the community.  In the event that COVID-19 touches our community, economic impact will reach ALL types and sizes of businesses, but you can help lessen that impact in our community by doing the following:

The chamber will work with and follow the guidelines set forth by Dinwiddie County government and/or Dinwiddie County Public Schools (current school info).  We will pass along information as it becomes available to us.  Follow us on Facebook for updates as well:  facebook.com/dinwiddiechamber


Additional informational links:

VA Department of Health

CDC – Washington DC